Thursday, May 9, 2013

The BC (Before Completion) period is over!

I am officially done with working on my thesis.


As somebody (and by "somebody" I mean every single person who knows me) may have expected, I finished it at the last possible moment of the last possible attempt for submitting.

The last day of April was fading into a night and I was still writing. Things did not look good, I must admit.

I did not believe in myself, though others did... Luckily, I knew I had the support of my family, my friends and my boyfriend (who fell asleep on the couch, next to me, only after reading the analysis part of my paper and giving me his feedback) and this loaded me with energy to keep going.

Finally, after greeting the sun that gave me its yellow-purple-red-colored rays on the first day of May, I decided I was done editing. I sent the file to my friend Sylvie who was going to submit the paper copies for me (since I am not in Denmark) and tried to process the thought that I had just finished.

Then, with the morning sun coming in through the bathroom window, I took the happiest shower of my life while singing one happy song after another.. Aaahh, better days are coming!

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